Let's start with a quick mention that there is a lot of boats on the water this week. Wind and rain did not keep this week's fisherman away. Even on the windiest days, it seemed people were tucked behind islands or exploring coves and bays...that is the beauty of Kabetogama and Namakan in my eyes.
Walleye fishing...steady good bit this week, evenings have been more productive in generally, so dock fishing is a must if you're at a resort this week. Small jigs (1/8oz) tipped with a minnow has worked very well. Historically, leeches should start to be preferred but I had a great week working sand bays and week edges in less than 9 feet of water. Good mix of keepers, small walleyes and slot walleyes. 26 inches was our biggest walleye this week but lots of 20", 21", 23" walleyes. Nice to see the healthy populations. Don't get greedy, no need to risk the punishment of keeping those slot fish, and know that's what keeps our lake from being a natural producing walleye lake.

Bass- Smallmouth are FAT, full of spawn and just moving into the sand and spawning areas. Enjoy the battle with these guys but again, try to release them if they are spawning (you will know by the size of the belly). I'm using 1/4oz jigs tipped with plastics. I love Northland Tackles "Grub" pattern of the Eye Candy plastics. Stick baits and rattle traps are always good bass baits.
Pike- Pitching for walleyes in shallow water I'm getting a Northern Pike about every 4-5 fish, and in some areas even more. Regulations are 2 pike per person, 30"-40" pike need to be returned to the water. Lots of 20-25" pike chasing minnow baits and patterns. Guessing that as water warms up, bigger pike will soon be a little more aggressive.
Perch and Sauger- shallow fishing is producing more perch and sauger. I believe dragging a lindy rig and worm will produce perch, while those sauger love minnows at a variety of depths.

Crappie- Off the beds and out to the lake in my thoughts, many of you love searching and chasing, especially with new technology "Mega Live", or "Live Scope", but they become ghost's to me and I likely wont find crappie again until fall.
Final thoughts: Be aware of other boaters...be aware of "main channels", don't fish in the middle of a main boating channel and be upset if others stay on plane to pass you. Understand the markers and if you have questions- I'm happy to help. Fishing is a fun activity for all involved so let's share the waters and be kind and courteous.
Water temps: low 60's-64 degrees, winds have been West/NW two days and again tomorrow. 10% chance of rain, looks like a good few days. Tuesday looks like a shot at getting wet with temperatures in the upper 60's and low 70's most of the week.
Good luck, hope to see you on the water...questions? Love to help... send to wade watson at Kabfishing@yahoo.com